Meet Isaac

Meet Isaac

Isaac is a graduate from the University of Georgia with a degree in Social Entrepreneurship with a focus in photo & video production. You can find him traveling alongside our amazing creative team as our Video Coordinator. He brings his passion for storytelling, content creation, and an exceptional work ethic to everything he does. Isaac’s positive attitude is infectious, and he consistently elevates our clients’ creative content to the next level. When he’s not running around creating the next visual masterpiece; he embraces an active lifestyle, often found training for upcoming ultra-marathons in the mountains, pursuing his next Ironman triathlon on his road bike, or indulging in rock climbing at the local climbing gym.

Favorite Quote: “We’ll never know our full potential unless we push ourselves to find it” -Travis Rice

Enneagram number: Type 3w2 — The Achiever

What is something you totally nerd-out over? Coffee, Running, Climbing, Cycling & Random Facts

Favorite movie: “The Gentleman” directed by Guy Richie

Why SSG? Culture. I wanted to be somewhere where everyone is excited to grow, create, and learn together. See.Spark.Go has the perfect balance of workplace culture, love of people, and enthusiasm for life itself.