Meet Maddie

Meet Maddie

A graduate from Samford University’s BFA Graphic Design program, Maddie is joining the See.Spark.Go team with a diverse graphic design background. Whether it be advertising agency, non-profit work, publication, branding, or social media – she has used her creativity to tell many different stories. Maddie is passionate about relationships and making sure everyone’s voice is heard. She believes storytelling through graphic design is a beautiful way to bring people together through art and creativity. When she’s not putting her hands to the computer keyboard for design, she’s putting her hands to learning songs on her piano keyboard. She also loves to seize beautiful days out in the sun and spending time with friends outside!

What’s your enneagram number: 4 wing 3

What is something you totally nerd-out over? Music and Musical Theatre

When I was a kid, I swore I’d grow up to be… A Target cashier

I’m an expert at/in… Finding lookalikes with people’s faces

If I won the lottery tomorrow… I would hire a lawyer

Why SSG? Why not SSG? Incredible people that have a real heart for telling incredible stories. Using their skills and gifts together to create a real impact in the world. SSG is the best “yes”!