Meet Suzanne Rutledge

Meet Suzanne Rutledge

Suzanne Rutledge brings more than 25 years of corporate and agency public relations experience to See.Spark.Go. Earning her PR chops at world-renowned brands including Coca-Cola and Jackson Spalding, her expertise in media relations strategy quickly elevates brand reputations at a national scale. When she isn’t landing hits in Forbes, she is traveling abroad with her husband and teenage son whenever they get the chance.

I totally nerd out over: Traveling to places that are totally out of my comfort zone

When I was a kid, I swore I’d grow up to be: a TV anchorwoman

Diet Coke of LaCroix? Why do you even ask? Team Diet Coke forever!

If I won the lottery tomorrow: We’d be on the next flight to travel around the world (again).

Best advice I’ve ever received: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

I’m an expert in: Getting stuff done.

Why SSG? Because relationships matter as much as results