A Statement from our President

Our Vice President of Digital Strategy, Josh Deyton, and his wife, Sarah, had a baby on February 8, 2020. Prior to that, to have experienced a health pandemic in America, an economic depression and a civil rights movement, you would have to be more than 100 years old. Baby Joanna Deyton has lived through all of that in only four short months.

As a nation, we are faced with navigating a new landscape—virtual work, health and safety, more active stances on diversity and inclusion—and we want to do all of those with tremendous care. Care builds trust, and trust is the currency on which we move beyond inequality and toward one another.

At See.Spark.Go, we rally behind our Black brothers and sisters whose voices matter in making our nation and communities better. We don’t want to make empty promises. We want to drive action and change in our industry as a whole. Racial injustice has no place in any industry, company or organization. 

We believe that we will better serve our communities and clients by having a more diversely populated staff and serving Black-owned businesses and brands that are doing great work in the world. We say we tell the best stories in the world, and those stories are not limited to any one group of people. 

You can now find our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy here. And, to further this conversation, we’ve created a DEI committee that is committed to training, recruiting and tracking our development as a company in this area so that we provide excellent results and create lasting relationships with everyone.

Listening & Growing,

Brittany Thoms, President

A Note from our Cofounder + President

Dear friends and clients,

Though the world has seemingly hit pause, we believe now is the time to plan for opportunity and a new season just ahead.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve witnessed the resilience of fans and loyal customers, partners and creators who are eager to promote the brands they love, ingenuity and dedication of brands to SERVE their customers well during this time. As we press forward, here are a few things we want you to know about your team at SSG:

First, you have a highly creative and innovative roster of marketers in your corner. We’ve all reflected on the true value your brand provides its audience, and now more than ever, we’ve honed in on meaningful interactions that show empathy and care, thoughtfulness and sustainability. Book a time to speak with Jenn Garrett, our Vice President of Content, or Josh Deyton, our Vice President of Digital Strategy,today.

Our team is enthusiastic and positive. We certainly don’t take for granted our core value that “Enthusiasm Wins” in the marketplace. Our positive and energetic posture infuses your communications with the very essence of hope. That matters, to you and to us. Interested in hosting a 1-hour SPARK Session with our team? Call us. We’re offering that to current and potential clients right now at no cost.

You receive an incredible value. In this season, we’re committed to keeping our team in tact. We’re looking ahead and preparing for 6-months from now. That commitment means that even as hard times roll in economically, we have the time to invest in YOU. That’s more bang for your buck. We want to hear what questions you have during this season! Email us today.

Our goal has always been to be your trusted advisor. Even as we navigate the realities on a business front for See.Spark.Go, we stand on providing results and leaning into relationships. Because without relationships, our work is transactional. Without results, though? We’re just friends. And, we aim to do both well!

Here for the possibilities,


P.S. Even our incredible accounting team is available to you as a resource during this season. Need some accounting advice? Drop us a line.